

NetBrake is a powerful fleet management and reporting software application specifically developed for use with your AutoStop Heavy, AutoStop Maxi and AutoStop Mini Plus brake meters. It’s the ideal solution for the mining and heavy vehicle industries in Australia to manage brake test records, brake test standards and calculations for fleets.

  • Offers customization of fleet reports by company or site
  • Report’s pass/fail for a fleet on a range of Australian standard or custom brake calculations
  • Allows you to choose your preferred unit of deceleration measurement
  • Store’s average and peak deceleration
  • Generates individual test and vehicle test history reports
  • Offers reports on the last test results for each vehicle at a company or site
  • Enables identification of fleet vehicles overdue or due for brake testing
  • Connects to your computer via serial cable, USB, or Bluetooth.

Product Downloads

Click here for product manuals and brochures.

NetBrake User Manual
NetBrake Brochure

  • Offers customization of fleet reports by company or site
  • Report’s pass/fail for a fleet on a range of Australian standard or custom brake calculations
  • Allows you to choose your preferred unit of deceleration measurement
  • Store’s average and peak deceleration
  • Generates individual test and vehicle test history reports
  • Offers reports on the last test results for each vehicle at a company or site
  • Enables identification of fleet vehicles overdue or due for brake testing
  • Connects to your computer via serial cable, USB, or Bluetooth.

Product Downloads

Click here for product manuals and brochures.

NetBrake User Manual
NetBrake Brochure

Our History

From humble beginnings in 1983 we have been working with governments in many areas of vehicle safety.

Our History

From humble beginnings in 1983 we have been working with governments in many areas of vehicle safety.

Our Distributors

Auto Test products are sold in 50 countries across the world. Find your local distributor.