
AutoTest® AutoGas & AutoSmoke – 5 Gas Analyser & Opacity Meter

AutoTest® AutoGas & AutoSmoke – 5 Gas Analyser & Opacity Meter

The Portable Four & Five Gas Analyser can be used as a stand-alone unit or integrated into a Vehicle Test Lane.

  • Capability to measure CO, HC, CO2, O2 and NOX contents of petrol, CNG, and LPG vehicle exhausts
  • RPM measurement facility using vehicle battery, inductive pick-up, or optional accelerometer
  • Compatible with Windows-based operation
  • Complies with the OIML R99 (ISO 3930) Class 0
  • Portable, light-weight design.

Standard Accessories:

  • Sampling probe assembly for gas intake
  • Battery cable assembly
  • Oil temperature probe.
  • Inductive Pick-up

Optional Accessories:

  • Accelerometer sensor pick-up
  • NOX sensor for measuring fifth gas
  • Gas test software for Windows.


  • 12-month intervals.


  • Measurement of CO, CO2, O2, and HC and NOX
  • Operates on 220V AC inputs or 12V- 30V DC
  • Complies with OIML R99 (ISO 3930) Class 0.

Standard features:

  • Suitable for use on Petrol, LPG, CNG and diesel engines
  • Independent 7 Segment LED display windows for CO, CO2, HC, O2 and NOX
  • Easy to follow test procedure
  • Measures RPM through vehicle battery, spark lead or (optional accelerometer)
  • Petrol/CNG/LPG selection for HC gas measurement
  • Automatic condensation discharge • RS232, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi interface
  • Integrated thermal printer for printing
  • Engine oil temperature measurement
  • Automatic zero calibration
  • Display of PEF/RPM/Lambda/AFR values
  • Air leak check facility
  • Stores up to 100 tests. Features for Windows based operation:
  • Photograph of vehicle number plate with unique job ID in colour printout.

Optional Features:

  • RPM measurement using accelerometer sensor
  • Windows software for running and storing tests on PC
  • NOX sensor for measuring fifth gas

Technical Specifications:

Measurement Parameters Range Resolution Accuracy
CO (Carbon Monoxide) 0 – 15.5% 0.01% 3%
CO2 (Carbon Dioxide) 0 – 21.0% 0.10% 4%
HC (Hydrocarbon) 0 – 20000 PPM 1 PPM 5%
O2 (Oxygen) 0 – 25% 0.01% 3%
NOx 0 – 5000 PPM 1 PPM
Lambda ( ) 0.200 – 2.000 0.001
AFR 0 – 30% 0.01%
Oil Temperature 0 – 120˚C 1˚C
Engine RPM 600 – 3500 RPM 10 RPM 5%
Measuring Gas Intake 3 litres/minute
Leak Test Electronic
Condensate discharge Automatic
Response time (for sample probe of three metre length) <15 sec
Warm-up time at 25˚C and above <3 minutes
Warm up time at 0˚C <10 minutes
Zeroing and RPM calibration Automatic
Electrical Specification
AC Power supply 220V to 265V AC, single phase, 50/60 Hz
DC Power supply 11V to 30V DC battery
Power consumption 25 Watt
General Specification
Operating temperature +5˚C to +45˚C
Storage temperature -20˚C to +70˚C
Overall machine dimensions,
unpacked (WxDxH)
Machine weight, unpacked 9kg

Product Downloads

Click here for product software/firmware, manuals and brochures.

AutoTest Five Gas Analyser Brochure
AutoGas User Manual
AutoTest FAQ AutoGas
AutoSmoke Opacity Meter User Manual
AutoGas & AutoSmoke Opacity Meter Brochure
AutoSmoke Opacity Meter Brochure
AutoTest Four Gas Analyser Brochure

Standard features:

  • Suitable for use on Petrol, LPG, CNG and diesel engines
  • Independent 7 Segment LED display windows for CO, CO2, HC, O2 and NOX
  • Easy to follow test procedure
  • Measures RPM through vehicle battery, spark lead or (optional accelerometer)
  • Petrol/CNG/LPG selection for HC gas measurement
  • Automatic condensation discharge • RS232, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi interface
  • Integrated thermal printer for printing
  • Engine oil temperature measurement
  • Automatic zero calibration
  • Display of PEF/RPM/Lambda/AFR values
  • Air leak check facility
  • Stores up to 100 tests. Features for Windows based operation:
  • Photograph of vehicle number plate with unique job ID in colour printout.

Optional Features:

  • RPM measurement using accelerometer sensor
  • Windows software for running and storing tests on PC
  • NOX sensor for measuring fifth gas

Technical Specifications:

Measurement Parameters Range Resolution Accuracy
CO (Carbon Monoxide) 0 – 15.5% 0.01% 3%
CO2 (Carbon Dioxide) 0 – 21.0% 0.10% 4%
HC (Hydrocarbon) 0 – 20000 PPM 1 PPM 5%
O2 (Oxygen) 0 – 25% 0.01% 3%
NOx 0 – 5000 PPM 1 PPM
Lambda ( ) 0.200 – 2.000 0.001
AFR 0 – 30% 0.01%
Oil Temperature 0 – 120˚C 1˚C
Engine RPM 600 – 3500 RPM 10 RPM 5%
Measuring Gas Intake 3 litres/minute
Leak Test Electronic
Condensate discharge Automatic
Response time (for sample probe of three metre length) <15 sec
Warm-up time at 25˚C and above <3 minutes
Warm up time at 0˚C <10 minutes
Zeroing and RPM calibration Automatic
Electrical Specification
AC Power supply 220V to 265V AC, single phase, 50/60 Hz
DC Power supply 11V to 30V DC battery
Power consumption 25 Watt
General Specification
Operating temperature +5˚C to +45˚C
Storage temperature -20˚C to +70˚C
Overall machine dimensions,
unpacked (WxDxH)
Machine weight, unpacked 9kg

Product Downloads

Click here for product software/firmware, manuals and brochures.

AutoTest Five Gas Analyser Brochure
AutoGas User Manual
AutoTest FAQ AutoGas
AutoSmoke Opacity Meter User Manual
AutoGas & AutoSmoke Opacity Meter Brochure
AutoSmoke Opacity Meter Brochure
AutoTest Four Gas Analyser Brochure

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