Our History

The decision to develop a Third Edition of the Australian Design Rules (ADR) was made at the 63rd meeting of the Australian Transport Advisory Council (ATAC) in February 1983.
We worked with the government in many areas, particularly braking.
The first products were engineered.
We continued to work with the government.
ADR introduced with Monitor Vehicle Standards Act 1989.
October 20, there was the Grafton Bus Accident which killed 21 people.
December 22, there was the Kempsey Bus Accident which killed 35 people and injured 41 people.
We were involved with government regulations in NSW to develop a revised AIS.
The first diagnostic products were manufactured.
In February, the VBT101 brake meter and VLM102 light meters are released for sale.
The New Zealand version of the VBT101 are sold to VDO.
FBT101 is introduced to the U.S.A.
In March, Burson Auto Parts became an authorised distributor of our brake meters.
We are approved to sell our products into the U.K.
AutoTest name is registered.
Version 4 of the VBT brake meter is released. Version 2 of VLM light meter is released.
VBT101 is accepted for sale in Malaysia and Singapore.
ARB take on our product.
Stroke Detective is released for sale.
The Dutch regulate brake testing, and 1,000 of our brake maters are ordered by Crypton for Duch sale.
BAMbino, the world’s first Portable Bearing Acoustic Monitor, is released for sale. BAMBino wins Excellence Award.
Brakecore becomes an authorised distributor and calibrator in South Africa.
Gemco becomes an authorised distributor.

1st July, AutoTest company name is founded.
VBT is renamed Maxi.
VLM is renamed AutoLight.
Mini brake meter is released.
Acoustic Calibrator is released.
Maxi X is released in U.K. and New Zealand.
Calibration with U.S. Army (TACOM) begins.
Rollover detection product developed.
Version 3 of AUtoLight is sold to Vehicle Inspectorate (U.K.)
Mavrick (U.K.) becomes an authorised distributor.
A NZ distributor was appointed.
AutoStop Micro is released to the market.
Tecalemit becomes an authorised UK distributor.
Introduction of AutoTest brake fluid Tester.
The AutoStop Maxi is adopted by Beijing police
The AutoLight window tint meter is adopted by Malaysian police.
Brakecore becomes an authorised South African distributor.
Actia becomes an authorised French distributor.
AutoStop Maxi is approved for use in Nettherlands and distributed by Stokvis
Introduction of SLM (Sound Level Meter) and SLM Calibrator.
Approved for use in Macedonia.
AutoTest company logo is redesigned to what it is today.
AutoStop Maxi is released to the market.
Approved for use in Denmark.
BamBino is redesigned and SKF take on distribution.
AutoStop Mini Plus range is released.
AutoStop Micro Plus range is released.
ENoise developed for Paris Police Department.
Introduction of Suspension Meter.
Emmision analysis equipment developed and released.
Emission equipment accepted for use in U.K.
WokrshopPro tablet is first released to the market.
Headlight Align, headlight aimer is released to the market.
QLD changes decelerometer testing rules to include GPS requirements
AutoStop MAGNETIC, the fastest light transmission meter on the market, is release and complete the AutoLight collection.
WorkshopPro 10 is released to the market.

Our Distributors
Auto Test products are sold in 50 countries across the world. Find your local distributor.